Saturday, April 23, 2011

Doug Firebaugh on Social Networking

Doug Firebaugh is a mentor of mine and he wrote
the following, which I thought it was inportant to
pass on.

I have observed with many distributors and
consultants over this past year, their actions and visibility
that have turned off a lot of folks. I have observed
the comments of others and even the talk about it
on twitter - and it was brutal in some cases.

What turns people off as far as Social Networking Visibility?

1. Too much focus on YOU.

Many folks have a tendency to blow their own horn
“I am the number on earner!” “I am the top recruiter.”
“Work with a Millionaire and learn this business1”


“I have earned A GAZILLION DOLLARS and you
can too but ONLY by working with me!”

Can you say it sounds like a scam? Or ego gone wild?


Turn down the rhetoric about you and turn up the
rising of people’s hopes, desires, and destinies.

2. Too much hype and promises.

This is a killer as far as reputation. I know folks
right now that when they post, they are being laughed
at due to the hype and are not taken seriously.

Calm the hype -- and focus on HOPE.

3. Being negative.
Rule One in Social Network Marketing:

Rule Two in Social Network Marketing:

Rule Three in Social Network Marketing:

Any questions?

There is ONE POWERFUL WAY to be
Visible in the Social Networking arena.

I call these “The 7 E’s of Social Network
Always be to everyone in the social sphere:

1. Encouraging. Encourage everyone and
everything they do.

2. Edifying. Edify and lift up and praise every
action, post, or tweet you can.

3. Elevating. Elevate everyone’s hopes with
noticing something special about them and
their social efforts.

4. Empowering. Stretch people’s thinking with
Higher Levels of Thinking and Greater Possibilities.

5. Enlarging. Enlarge people’s Vision with Stories
and Articles of what is TRULY possible in life.

6. Extraordinary Focused. Focus on the word
Extraordinary and use it often to focus people
on not just being average, or even great, but

7. Educating. Always be teaching with your
thoughts, other’s thoughts, little known
Information, powerful revelations,
and how to’s that HELP people on social sites
move their life forward and UPWARD.

Visibility is critical in Social Network Marketing.
But MAKE SURE it is the RIGHT kind of Visibility
that will build your brand, not hurt it.
BE SURE to register NOW for the Social
Network Marketing 2011 webinar April 28th at 8 pm EST:


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