You took the plunge and Joined our team, now you want to know what to do next.
Here to help you are the Ten Commitments! Make your decision to commit and share this with your team right away!
Commitment #1 - Go through the THE BLUEPRINT FOR SUCCESS Make sure you sit down with every new Associate in their first 24-48 hours and go through this!
Commitment #2 -I want you to focus on"2 a day, 10 in play!
"Commit to getting out at least 2 exposures every day using the LV(Primetime video) Just Push Play DVD, Sizzle call(24/7) Your Website. The Best exposure is the SAMPLES "2 a day, 10 in play!"
Commitment #3 - 1 Long Distance Package a Week
Send out two long distance package per week. A long distance package is simply any Material you have, sample or a DVD to someone out of town with a note that asks them to watch it. Don't send anything else with the DVD. I usually have a yellow post-it note that says "LIFE CHANGING - Watch it!.
Commitment #4 Commit to helping each new team member get their first two customers in the new members first week (Getting a paycheck in their hands)
Commitment #5 - Plug Into Team Training Calls And Company Calls and attend The Sponsored Events There will be a corporate events planned around the year... Be at all Company big events. LEADERS ARE MADE AT EVENTS! Team calls .
Commitment #6 - Set up a Binder for Prospecting and Business Goals
Set up binder and teach others to do the same. Binder needs to have following information:
weekly goals for exposures, script, task chart on what kind of exposured being used and prospect info.
Commitment #7 - Commit to Personal Development
You can only earn what you become! Commit to reading just 10 pages of a good book each day! Books to read are, "The Slight Edge"-"Think And Grow Rich"-"How to win friends and Influence people"
Imagine what you would become if you read 10 pages 5 days a week. That equals to 2600 pages a year!
I recommend you Get The magazine "Success"-it's a powerful magazine that keeps you updated with current trends on self development and you can learn from top entrepreneurs. The magazine comes with a CD that features top Inspirational and Motivational speakers.
Listen to CD's in the vehicle, Like Jim Rohn, Zig Zigler, Les Brown and others.
Commitment #8 - Have a Workout Partner. Get someone to be your workout partner and be accountable to each other. Help each other stay committed to the these Commitments.
Commitment #9 Be Committed to these 10 Commitments for the next year!
Commit to these 10 everyday of every week of the year. YOU WILL NOT GIVE UP! Challenge yourself to be committed to the proper activity for 52 weeks and watch what happens!
Commitment #10 - PUT IT IN WRITING!
Print this out and send me a copy to let me know that you agree and will commit with the TEN COMMITMENTS
Date: _______________
Name (Printed) _______________________________
Legal Signature: ______________________________
Juan Sanchez