GBG announces the introduction of their new protein, called GBG Protein Matrix™, which is the most advanced protein in the world. This is a bold statement, but has been scientifically validated.
An independent investigation of the Mechanisms of Action and Clinical Perimeters of Protein Matrix™ was initiated by GBG to determine the Pathobiochemical and Clinical Chemical Aspects of the novel protein composition, Protein Matrix™.
Healthy & Nutritious
Meal Supplement &
Protein Supplement Specially Formulated For: Weight Management,Protein Homeostasis& Sports Nutrition
Optimum Protein Absorption
Optimum Protein Levels
Low Sodium
No High Glycemic Sugars
Just 0.5 g Total Fat Per Serving
No Trans Fat
Instant Shake & Drink Certified Low Glycemic & Diabetic Friendly Backed by Independent Clinical Trials PROTEIN MATRIX™ Supports Lean Muscle Mass and a Healthy Metabolism while supporting appetite management and healthy weight management by minimizing glycemic fluctuations in the body..
**Protein Matrix™ is a unique, proprietary composition comprised of proteins bound to Glycoside Matrix Smart Carbs (Patents-Pending) in a molecular network comprised of fruit glycoside molecules compounded with specific proteins.
GBG’s PROTEIN MATRIX™ is made with PeachSweet™, a Clinically Proven, All-Natural Low Glycemic, Fruit Sweetener.
CLINICALVALIDATION: Independent Human In Vivo Clinical Trials were conducted on Protein Matrix™ in 2009 by the Glycemic Research Institute® (Glycemic.com) in both diabetics and non-diabetics, proving that Protein Matrix™ is Low Glycemic and Diabetic Friendly, and, unlike regular Whey Protein and other proteins, DOES NOT cause over-elevation of blood glucose or insulin levels in humans and is vital in preventing the negative state of Ketosis.
Each Serving
Just 60 Calories
Only 5 g of Low Glycemic Carbohydrate
13 Important Vitamins, Including B-Complex
10g of elemental Protein
490 mg Potassium
NO SOY PROTEIN: PROTEIN MATRIX™ does NOT contain Soy protein because Soy proteins have been shown to increase the risk of some forms of cancer.
PROTEIN HOMEOSTASIS: Use 1 serving of Protein Matrix™ in-between meals (1-3 times per day) or as a supplement to low-protein meals (such as pasta).
WEIGHT MANAGEMENT & HUNGER CONTROL: Using 1 serving of Protein Matrix™ 30-45 minutes prior to meals (taken 2-3 times per day) helps balance blood glucose levels, mitigate hunger, and stabilize protein levels.** A Low Glycemic Food Plan is recommended as an adjunct to a healthy Weight Management program, as well as 30-60 minutes of exercise perday.
EXERCISE (Non-Athletes): Never take protein during exercise, as it blunts fat-burning. Instead, take 1 serving of Protein Matrix™ 30 minutes prior to exercise.
ATHLETES DIRECTIONS:1) OPTIMUM PROTEIN INTAKE: Take 2 servings Protein Matrix™ mixed in water only (no milk or juice) 3-4 times per day in-between meals.
PROTEIN SYNTHESIS AFTER EXERCISE: Take 2 servings of Protein Matrix™ in water only, 30 minutes after intense exercise. Do not take protein during exercise: CONSUMING WHEY PROTEIN with CARBOHYDRATE TAKEN AFTER RESISTANCE EXERCISE CAN STIMULATE PROTEIN SYNTHESIS and SUPPORT POSITIVE NET PROTEIN BALANCE** (Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. 2004;36(12): 2073-2081).
STRENGTH ATHLETES, BODYBUILDERS, POWERLIFTERS:Take 2-3 servings Protein Matrix™ mixed with water only (not milk or juice) taken 3-4 times per day in-between meals. Do not take this serving size with a meal or with any other proteins, as 3 servings of Protein Matrix™ represents Protein Thresholds in athletes (the maximum amount of protein an athlete can metabolize and utilize). Athletes cannot ingest more than 30 grams of protein at one time (or within 2 hours) without causing negative metabolic cascade, including adipose tissue fat storage
***PRODUCT DISCLAIMER: The products and the claims made about specific products on or through this site have not been evaluated by GBG, gbgproteinmatrix.com or the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and are not approved to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease. The information provided on this site is for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for advice from your physician or other health care professional or any information contained on or in any product label or packaging. You should not use the information on this site for diagnosis or treatment of any health problem or for any other treatment. You should consult with a healthcare professional before starting any diet, exercise or supplementation program, or if you have or suspect you might have a health problem.
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